Wednesday, November 11, 2009

So I have been using the great tips you guys gave me for my African American hair, i have some quest

I notice my har is way softer, especially my new growth. Usually i couldn't go 6 weeks without a relaxer ecause my hair was so dry and hard to manage. Not anymore, my hair is now soft, and my new growth is wavier, i am on my 2nd month, and i think i will stretch my relaxer till December. Have any of you African American ladies noticed a change in your hair texture from taking care of it? Also do you have anymore tips for me?

So I have been using the great tips you guys gave me for my African American hair, i have some questions?

Ok, I'm sorry but I'm not African American but i work with the hair type, and the softness is probably due to a diet change, eating healthier (fruits veggies), drinking more water, taking multi vitamins, or just plain not having as much stress could have done it. But if you can manage your hair without a relaxer (because that is mainly the whole purpose of one right?) then why get one? If you can manage your hair without a relaxer the shinier and healthier it will be, plus you won't have to get a haircut as often either.

So I have been using the great tips you guys gave me for my African American hair, i have some questions?

Always keep your hair greased especially your scalp and hair line.

Stop using heated hair appliances.

Dont use a brush. They stretch your hair and cause it to snap off.

Do not use products that contains alcohol, beeswax, perfume.

Do not use gels or hairsprays. They make the hair hard, stiff, and briitle.

Do not use rubber bands on your hair.

Always wrap up your hair nightly withh a silk or satin scarf. Those materials does not absorb the natural oils from our hair.

Do not shampoo your hair that often. We are only suppose to wash our hair every 10-12 days because shampoos strip our hair of it's natural oils.

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