Wednesday, November 11, 2009

How do I grow my relaxed, African-American hair?

I used to have long hair, until I cut it short (the old Halle Berry short). Since then I have grown my hair out, and currently my hair is to the bottom of my neck. The problem is, my hair won't grow past that length, and I want it to grow longer like it used to be (past my shoulders). Is there anything that I should do to help my hair grow?

How do I grow my relaxed, African-American hair?

massage and stimulate the scalp and you should see results. Oh, and hold off on some of the harsh chemicals.

How do I grow my relaxed, African-American hair?

Try eating healthier and drinking lots of water that help my hair grow longer. Also reduce the amount of heat you put on your hair.

How do I grow my relaxed, African-American hair?

It's possible that your ends are very damaged. Go to the salon to have a trim only! Also be sure to keep your scalp from becoming too dry. Remember moisture is the best friend to African-American hair.

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