Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Does creme of nature shampoo makes african american hair grow?

does it help it grow what about the conditioner too ?

Does creme of nature shampoo makes african american hair grow?

I don't think a given hair product can "make hair grow" though the company may make such claims. I think the key to making your hair grow is using a product which contains hair/scalp stimulators (such as peppermint,rosemary, tea tree oil) and taking either a multi-vitamin or an Omega 3 tablet daily.

I havent heard very much about creme of Nature shampoo, but I do know that Fantasia has a line called Naturals Tea Tree and it comes in a shampoo, conditioner and a scalp serum. I've used the shampoo and conditioner and it is wicked, I loved it. But if you have a perm in your hair at the moment, you might want to put using this product off until you have to have a touch up as this shampoo really rids your hair of impurities (including the perm).

There's also a brand called Organic Root Stimulator and it's good quality products, and judging by its name, I would assume that it might aid in hair growth. Good luck

Does creme of nature shampoo makes african american hair grow?

I dont know because I never paid attention when I used it but my brother used it when he had braids along with oiling his scalp with indian kemp and his hair caught up to mine in no time and my hair is to the middle of the back....might be the shampoo might be the genes but it wont hurt to try. I think as long as you take care of your hair then it will grow, no matter what shampoo you use. Also, my cousin uses motions and doesnt blow dry her hair just lets it dry in a pony tail and her hair has also grown tremendously so you could try that

Does creme of nature shampoo makes african american hair grow?

Creme of Nature is a good product, however, your hair is not going to grow just from using it. Implementing the shampoo and conditioner into your hair routine may help.

Does creme of nature shampoo makes african american hair grow?

Yes, they make great relaxers. plus use doo-grow hair grease! Its very light and make ya hair really grow!!

Does creme of nature shampoo makes african american hair grow?

Hi. No, shampoo and conditioner dont make your hair grow. The proper nutrients from your body nourish your hair to grow. If you take a multivitamin, brand name One a day or generic theyre both the same, and a separate hair vitamin such as GNC healthy hair skin and nails, those two vitamins will give you the nutrients you need for your body and hair. Eating more fruits and veggies and drinking more water is key. People who dont drink lots of water always complain of dry hair.

I dont really like Creme of Nature nor any other products that have lots of chemicals in it. Have you ever realized that black hair care products have mineral oil and petroleum, which retards our hair growth and clogs our scalp pores? Yuk. I have switched to changing to products with less or no chems in it and my hair has thanked me for it. I will not go back to those chem products. You could try that. Here are websites that have those products.














This is an extensive list, so I cant use everything from each website. Also too much products on hair is not good for your hair either. There is lots of info you can compare.

You know, they used to advertise Wild Growth hair oil for black people. I have looked it up and seen that it uses all natural oils in it, which I never knew until now. That works too, but its thick.

This is just extra info I gave you. Take it in good health. Hope this helps. God bless.

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