Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Ok, So I'm currently trying to get my hair more healthy and go natural(I'm african america

Do you know anyway to get African American hair straight without heat or to get it curly-ish, without it being dry? What products do you use? Thanks!

Ok, So I'm currently trying to get my hair more healthy and go natural(I'm african american).?

i use design essentials.

o and when you wash it yourself ( say you go swimming) make sure you use either the nexus spray in leave in conditioner or the design essentials one.

to keep it healthy don't use a straightener. ( those r 4 white girls!!! u kno!) make sure to eat and drink healthily becuz that helps with dandruff.

to get it curly use the soft curlers. every night use them wrap them up in a doo rag and put ALLL NATURAL SHEA BUTTER around your edges.

email me and i will tell you the brand name

Ok, So I'm currently trying to get my hair more healthy and go natural(I'm african american).?

yay for you on going natural! I'm a relaxed-head right now xD but i'm growing my hair to my butt and i could never deal with my natural hair..

i hear a lot of natural girls use gel like Herbal Essences Curl gel or pomade to define your curls. I don't know if there is a way to get natural hair straight without using heat though..

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